February 5, 2009

NO!! NO!!! NO!! Please God NO!!! NO!!

Shit. My tooth hurts. Which means I need to make a dentist appt asap. Shit.

I hate the dentist. Cold chair, an old man with huge glasses, a weird smell, and my gums don't like to numb.

I am really bad at making appts for any type of doctor; eye, gyno, dentist, regular doctor. They suck and I hate paying $20 just to be told it's just a cold and I need plenty of fluids. Ugh.

I even put a reminder on my phone so I won't forget. LOL. Oh I forgot the best part. My dentist name is Dr. Pickett!! LOL.

I am home sick today because I have another stress headache, my 3rd one this week. Have I called a doctor, no. I just drug myself on lortabs. :)

Anyway, I still haven't heard from Valet. Hmm...am I kinda in crazy girl mode right now so I am very aware I am being crazy. Just let it be. Deal with it. I promise it will pass.

Ta ta
Ms. PZ


  1. Oh man, dentists are the worst, picking at your teeth with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets.
    It's like being dissected.

    Not that I know what that feels like.

  2. I hate the dentist. Ew!!

    I am so with you on all of this this!!

  3. Same here...the light in your face and them poking and prodding your mouth...ugh.
    (lol..that sounds like a porno opening)

  4. Sorry that your tooth hurts. I hate going to the dentist, but I recommend you go before it gets too bad! Oh yeah and can you pass some lortab my way, I've got a terrible headache tonight for some reason.
