December 11, 2008

tech idiot....and then some....

So with all my recent blogging and blog stalking I have come to terms that I am no longer internet savvy. OMFG!!

I look at blogs and I am amazed at how their backgrounds are or how they get links into their blogs. WOW. I know, I know, it takes time and I will pick it up in no time, but geez. I feel like a child of this techno age I should be running CSS codes like nothin. *Side note, I didn't even know what CSS was until...umm....yesterday when I officially started my blogs. Ya. True sad sad story.*

So if I ask super simple questions or I have mistakes and I don't know how to fix them, please don't harass the animal. :) I am still learning. I am excited to learn but please be patient and don't laugh. Well I guess you can, because I won't be able to see it. jk.

In other news...I am freaking out!!! Like I had to cry on my apartment floor, kick my feet and say "I did my best, I did my best" over and over again for at least 30 minutes. Why you may ask? Let me break it down for you...

Simply put I expect too much of myself and spread myself too thin. Pretty much I hit myself with a hammer and than bitch when I experience pain. WTF. No sense right? I work and party a little too much and just coast by in my classes, *NEWS FLASH: COLLEGE TAKES MORE EFFORT THAN HIGH SCHOOL* so I have to adjust my study habits which haven't been so easy. So, a few semesters ago I had to sign a contract with finanical aid that I wouldnt get below a C in any of my classes. Well, this semester I got an E in my math class. FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!! But wait here is my excuse, we don't show work on our tests so if we get it wrong by a negative or not simpilfying MINUS 10!! WTF!! This was not something I expected and so on ALL of my tests, I missed the answer by a negative or not simplifying. FUCK!!! What a number that did for my self esteem.

So so so, my financial aid for spring semester will be denied. I can appeal this but my excuse "my math teacher didn't credit our steps/work on our tests, so I failed" doesn't seem like a plausible excuse. So I am having to pay for next semester myself. EK. So let's add another $1200 to my already difficult budget. I work FT and PT just to pay for my rent, car and booze. I need a financial advisor and stat. *another side note, I make $30K a year at job #1 so I should have money right? Nope, it's called IMPLUSE BUYING and POOR $$ MANAGEMENT people.*

I guess this is growing up bucko. Man, this shit sucks. So, I have some pretty difficult struggles ahead. I am an implusive buyer, so I waste money daily. I know this and I admit it, the first step right?

Oh boy. Stage 22 is being activated and I hope, no I pray that I can make it through.

ta ta...
ms. pink zebra

post script...
this always makes me feel better....


  1. OMG! That is SOOOO funny! I'm so glad you put it on your blog, it really made my day. I'll try not to say any of those "mom" things. xoxo

  2. The internet amazes me too, I didn't realize website creation took so much time and effort. I spent pretty much 18hrs/day for the past month learning HTML-I'm only half tech savvy

    Sorry to hear about your financial aid denial, but everything will be fine- not to worry

  3. I am in the same boat with school. What is your major?

    And what kind of grade is an E?

  4. What is an E? I bust out laughing till i realized that E comes before F. Well um just think about how dull your life would be without financial issues, money spending impulses, sexual tendencies, and a broken heart. Ek!
