January 6, 2009

Back to the awards...

Ok..sorry about yesterday I got distracted.

My date though was awesome. We went and saw 7 lbs with Will Smith. It was a good flick but not for a date movie. I cried and you can't really chat during a movie. But his smile is AMAZING!! I have a think for smiles. They are my weakness.

Speaking of smiles I went to Nigel's house after the movie with The Valet. LOL. I know i know your jealous of my game. So Nigel lives in the mountains and it was snowing like crazy. I drive a small mazda with bald ass tires and this was the scariest ride ever. But Nigel made it up to me with some vodka shots, a new castle beer (my fave) and some smoke. We soaked in the hot tub for a bit and then proceeded to crazy monkey sex. It was great!!

Now, back to the awards...

Here are my 10 picks (in no order) (i dunno how to insert links and the button isnt working. strange.)

1. www.clevergirlgoesblog.com
2. www.datingwithoutpants.com
3. http://work-girl.blogspot.com
4. http://thatdamnexpat.blogspot.com/
5. http://theprincefrogchronicles.blogspot.com/
6. http://somemightcallmecrazy.blogspot.com/
7. http://startingoverat24.blogspot.com/
8. http://starbucksbreak.blogspot.com/
9. http://chelseatalkssmack.blogspot.com/
10. and my mom's blog but I can't put the link here because it will leak my secret identiy. dum dum dum.

So there you are kids. I know some of these people have been awarded already but what's better than a double award. :) Plus it makes me feel like we have a little blogger clique. It is great. :)

Off to work now.

Ta ta
Ms. Pink Zebra


  1. Awww..thanks for the award! I was going to award you as well, but figured you already knew how awesome you were with your first one!

    Oh crazy monkey sex...how I miss thee....

  2. Hot tubbing? Monkey sex? New Castle???


  3. Thanx a bunch for the award! I've been digging into your archives, pretty cool. I feel honoured to be part of your little blogger clique! Have a fabulous day!
