March 23, 2009

Oppsy Daisy

I call you all out and then disappear myself. I think there is a word for that, but we are all grown up enough to not call each other names so moving on.

I quit my full time job. Yes. I quit. On St. Paty's day.

It was extremely liberating. I was beginning to hate my job. I am too young to hate my job. I know, I know it was stupid. Oh well.

I have my server job and an interview tomorrow at a few clothing stores. Bonus.

I want to focus on school and my job was becoming more important and I don't want to stay there forever. Plus I wasn't selling very much.

Honestly, it felt like a break up. Something I have needed to do but haven't done.

I saw everyone on Saturday for a coworkers birthday. It was a blast seeing everyone. And I will continue to see them on occasion. I still consider myself a part of the family. LOL.


Nigel and I had AMAZING sex on Friday night. I drove up there and saw his sexy ass playing at a bar. He looks SO good playing acoustic.

He said something I don't understand..."It is suppose to be like this." As we are making out and giggling and just have a fun naked time. I was like fun and he goes "I am still trying to figure it out". This is where DWP should share his knowledge.

Thats all kiddies...

Ta ta
Ms. PZ

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