March 6, 2009


I just joined twitter. I know. Odd. I don't know why but something possessed me.

I am just having a lazy Friday night. Rented/Bought some movies and I am just gonna relax and watch a movie and have a glass of wine. Awesome night huh.

BTW I was the only single person in the movie store and I felt good about it not saddened. Progress methinks?

And then I got a booty txt. Damn it. :::pours more wine:::

Going to watch House Bunny now. I'll try and link my twitter think.

Ta ta
Ms. PZ


  1. Welcome to twitter!! It's addictive! I'll follow you in a second actually.

    By the way, can I have a glass or 5 of wine? LOL

  2. I don't get twitter...but then again I really don't know what it is...
    Maybe i'll try it?
