March 16, 2009

WTF Blogosphere!!

Thats right. I am calling you ALL out.

I still have my followers and for that I am grateful but why the lack of comments. Am I that boring?

I didn't care about followers and comments at first but once you get a few it is very exciting. Now all that excitement has stopped.

I feel like I am in a withering relationship. Shit. How did we get here? LOL. But seriously? What has happened? Is my life boring? Kinda.

Rant over.

Big is on his way over and he is taking FAR too fucking long. Idiot.

Just got a call from him appartently he got too fucked up when he went to his friends to pick up some adderall. Fucking Idiot.

Why do I keep him around? It has been 4 yrs of this bullshit of him saying he will come over and then not. Granted he did sound really fucked up and was all don't yell at me wah.

Fucking idiot. Me and him. Mostly me. Thats who I am mad cuz I keep putting up with this shit. Fuck.

Ta ta
Ms. PZ


  1. we're still here. just sucking at life a little bit!

  2. I think comments get to all of our heads. but im sure everyones still reading!
    p.s. I LOVE ur layout :D

  3. Hello!

    Yeah, I started a new job so for like 2 weeks I was pretty much MIA, but I'm back now!

  4. I think we're all just busy in this clusterfuck called life lol.

    Thanks for calling us out and telling us to get our shit together. ;)

  5. I love comments as well, they are awesome!!! getting comments are the best part of blogging =)
