December 13, 2008

Birthday Girl!!

Today is my 22nd Birthday!!


Last night was a blast. My girls; Satan, Giraffe, Biz, Foxxy, The Mrs. and I went to dinner at a sushi place. They cook in front of you and do super cool tricks. It was a blast, Biz got a shrimp on the forehead and The Mrs. got one in her hair. It was a great time.

After dinner, Giraffe left (she isnt 21 yet) and we headed to the club to met up with Tattooed Vix. The girls all pitched in and got me a table, which was super sweet. I almost shed tears because I know how expensive they can be. It was a small club and place we have never been before but it was a blast. We were def the hottest women there. This is confirmed because when I emptied my boots (they act as a purse) I found 4 different cards of photographers. lol. So I guess we will be all over the internet soon. YES!!

We had the security guards and VIP hostess buy us all shots. Not to mention the bottle of Parrot Bay we chugged in the car, so needless to say we were pretty buzzed. By the end of the night me and Tattooed Vix were dancing on the tables and being offered jobs as go go dancers. lol. Good Times.

I did met a boy though. Woo. The valet guy, they didn't make us pay before we went in the club so afterwards we only had enough money for paying them. No tip. Ek. I know that is horrible, I am a server for fuck's sake. So I gave him my number and told him he could take me out. lol. So we will see if anything happens with Dave the Valet. :) oh and I have some random person, Hank the Tank in my phone. No idea who this is. And I don't plan too.

So it was a GREAT night and I love my girls to death. I have known Foxxy, Biz and The Mrs. since 7th grade. It is great that we have made it this far. :)

The best part....I ended my night with Mr. J and had a birthday treat. Yes.

Tonight will be almost as good. It is the 5th Annual Ugly Sweater Party at Mr. J's. The girls are coming and I can't wait. We always have a blast at his parties. He throws the best ones. Which reminds me, I need to stop blogging and blog stalking and go to Target.

Oh I will do a post of the peeps in my life, so you understand a little bit more of them and their history with me.

Ta Ta..
Ms. Zebra


  1. Happy Birthday! A little belated.

    I am responding to your comment you left on my page.

    Somethings I do that help me manage my money is write down my income and all my expenses. I find that an Excel spread sheet helps in managing my assets.

    As for how much I make off of stocks, I don't like to divulge my numbers publicly. I do make enough, through a lot of practice, to know I make more than if I were working a normal part-time job--such as at Target or another store that hires college students.

    I hope this helps and if you are interested I have a list of books, that are readily available at libraries, that will help a lot. Stay tuned on my blog for updates on the account I opened up for it.

    Keep in touch.


  2. Don't forget to post pictures of you in the sweater. Those will be an instant hit

  3. Happy Birthday!
    I'd also like to see these pictures of you in the sweater!
