January 8, 2009


I have a confession.

I got a DUI Dec 19 after leaving the bar.

I haven't said anything because I am ashamed, embarrassed, disappointed, upset, scared, and really just feel like an idiot.

This is what's causing a lot of my stress and money problems. I am SO SO scared. I can't sleep. I get nauseous when I think about it.

I got a call this morning about my DMV Hearing, to see if my license is going to get suspended for 3 months, and it is Jan 15th. I am terrified. I got this call from my lawyer and I went straight to the bathroom and threw up. See...that's true terror.

I really can't believe this happened and I am quite ashamed. But I am trying my best to deal with it and keep moving. It is a BIG deal but it is NOT the end of the world. I know a few ppl who have them and a few ppl who have more than 1 and that is just crazy.

I will keep you updated on what happens. I am just really really scared. And still ashamed. I have learned my lesson for sure.

Hmm....I just wanted to confess because I feel that it is something that should be said and something I should say "hey this happened, but i overcame it and i became a better person"

Ta ta
Ms. Pink Zebra


  1. Oh wow. Yeah driving while intoxicated is not good. EVER.

    Confession is good for you though, getting things off your chest and all.

  2. See the thing about drinking & driving is that we've all done it at some point in our lives, some get caught, others don't. Don't be ashamed; you made a mistake and life is all about making mistakes, but learning from them. 3 months will go by quickly, you'll get your license back before you know it!

  3. Well, at least you've learned a lesson ... albeit a very rough one.

    I hope everything goes well for you at your hearing and if you end up going to court.

    Good luck.

  4. We've all been drinking and driving at some point- don't be ashamed. Things are going to be okay, even if your license is suspended. So you have to take public transportation for 3 months, who cares? Maybe you'll meet someone cute ;)

  5. At at least one point in our lives everyone has done it. A couple summers ago I was working at a bar (and drinking while on shift). I thought I was just tipsy when I tripped up the steps and realized I was extremely drunk. Like barely made it to the bed. The next morning I had realized my huge mistake and learned my lesson. That's all life is about and you've learned yours, it's nothing to be ashamed about. If you lose your license, just think of all the gas money you'll save AND you'll never have to play DD :)
