January 12, 2009


Another fucking award. How awesome am I? I think fuckinfantastic!! LOL.

Thanks ladies. delightfullyinappropriate.blogspot.com Jill and Rose.

Ya for me! :twirling around apartment: Yes I twirl, it is quite fun. Since my last award blog was 8 people and now I have 15 pepple. Wow. That's fucking awesome. Woo.

I now need to award it to 7 more people. Hmm...let's see....
1. http://20-somethingandsingle.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.brokegradstudent.com/
3. http://lettinggoofthehandle.blogspot.com/
4. http://missmusing.blogspot.com/
5. http://sexandsatchel.blogspot.com/
6. http://blogdoesntsuck.blogspot.com/
7. Still my mommy's! Woo!! :)

Now the fun part....
1. List 7 honest things about yourself. (Aside from the 101 I already wrote)

* I ate an ENTIRE bag of shredded colby jack cheese.
* I want Olive Garden SO fucking bad. Yum. The new dish they have.
* My and The Valet are going to play pool on Thursday. I am very excited.
* I am SO over the "Joe the Plummer" nonsense.
* Shopping is my favorite hobby.
* We are rednecking it in 2 weeks and I am SO excited.
* I feel ronely still.

Yes. All dunzo. 2 posts in one night. Incredible.

Ta ta
Ms. Pink Zebra

1 comment:

  1. yay!! thank you! I will be sure to get right on posting about it.
