January 31, 2009

Go Me!!! WOO!!!

My very first article for my journalism class made it on the FRONT PAGE of my campus newpaper!!! WOO!!!

I am SO fuckin proud. I feel like a real journalist. This success is what I needed to make my realize all my changes will be worth it.

Here is a look at my awesomeness!!!

A new hobby for college students: binge drinking

By Ms. Pink Zebra

Ten plastic cups arranged in a triangle on each end of the table. Three beers each used to fill them up and two players on each side with a pair of ping pong balls. Beer pong begins.

This scenario rings true for many students at SLCC and other colleges across the country. Many college students are statistically considered binge drinkers, and may not realize they are. "I play between six and ten beer pong games on a regular weekend night," student Buddie Wilkerson said.

The federal government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines binge drinking as four or more drinks for women, and five or more drinks for men, in a two-hour span. One can consume four or more drinks during just two hours of beer pong, card games or other drinking games, all of which are geared toward consumption to the point of intoxication.

According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest 44 percent of college students drink alcohol at the binge level or greater. One in four students drink alcohol ten or more times a month. "I play beer pong a few times a month and even more in the summer months," Wilkerson said.

Fun as it may be for those who play, college students may not be fully aware of the damaging effects. Tricia Bishop from SLCC Health and Wellness Services said, "Men and women metabolize alcohol differently which can lead to liver and brain damage, ruined social ties, and poor coursework."

According to CSPI, binge drinking affects academic performance, and frequent binge drinkers are 21 times more likely to miss class.

"I failed my first year of college because I loved the party scene," student Sarah Jolles, who had to repeat several courses last semester, said.

"I notice quite a few students stop showing up to class after midterms or after a huge holiday weekend," teetotal student Ana Herendeen said. "I enjoy meeting new friends, having new experiences, and living the college dream, but not at the expense of my future career."

Binge drinking can have long lasting effects; nineteen percent of college students are dependent on alcohol, according to CSPI. However, "there is a way for healthy drinking," Bishop said. "Two drinks a day for a man and one drink a day for a woman."

"College is about letting loose and enjoying your twenties. Once I graduate, healthy drinking will be the way to go," Wilkerson said.

Go me!! :) I put a copy on the fridge and also got several more just in case. I am still really really excited, proud, obnixous.

In other news, my cleaning has been going amazing. My house is feeling less stressed now. I see a connection.

Valet's Gma is in the hospital so I haven't seen him all week. :(

And Brazil (she is my coworker at my admin job) and I had a conversatioon about work; we both feel the same way. We both feel stuck, under appriecated, under paid (I think everyone does), annoyed with how our manager treats us, just plain fed up. We both have been looking at looking for different jobs, but her husband just got laid off so she wants the security. It was a great bonding experience for us and I think both of us will be looking within the next 6 months. My job is great but I am ready for more responsibility and I am just not getting that. My job doesn't really allow us to take on more responsbility, b/c all the stuff we do it repeative.

So we will see how that progresses...

Gotta finish cleaning the living room.

Hello to my 2 new followers, Shannon and Thatgirl! Welcome ladies. :)

Ta ta
Ms. Pink Zebra


  1. Congratulations on getting on the front page. You should be ecstatic! :]

  2. I totally know how you feel. The first time I saw my byline on the front of my college paper (I was a journalism major), I almost died of happiness... then went out that night (it was a Tuesday or Wednesday) and celebrated. Congrats and good work!

  3. congrats from one journalist to another!

  4. Congratulations! You did a good job.

    As for the topic .. It would be easy to preach now, but drinking IS a part of the college experience. I'd rather see them drink in college than in their thirties.

  5. Also, I gave you an award:

  6. Very cool. I was on the staff of my high school's newspaper but after they laughed at my writing I was placed on computer duty, never to write again ...

  7. Aw thank you! And your article? It's amazing and you deserved it!
