January 12, 2009

Seriously. I am stubborn.

I learn by making mistakes MYSELF not by watching others.

Case and point: My dad was a meth addict, my other dad was an alcoholic, and my grandpa is a smoker. Needless to say that addiction runs in my family. I knew this all along.

I knew this when I tried cocaine for the first time at 18. I was with Genital Warts, (I spread a rumor he had them after he burned me), and he asked me to come up stairs with him and his friend. I figured we were going to get high, boy was I right but oh SO wrong. I did my first line that night.

About 4 years later and a dozen and half cokehead boyfriends later I stopped after me and The Ex broke up. So it has been about 7-8ish months since I last did cocaine.

For me cocaine and stress went hand and hand, every time I broke up with someone I would run to coke, everytime I did poorly on a test I would do coke. Stress would happen and coke would fix it.

Granted, I did do it for fun. I enjoyed doing it while out with a boyfriend or in a club bathroom stall and nobody knowing. It was exciting and dangerous and I loved every mintue of it.

Now, I am stressed too the ends with my DUI, finding a roommate, working two jobs, and school just started. I am craving cocaine like crazy. It has been SO bad, I can't watch anything which has coke in it. (Robocop had a 10 minute scene and I had a mini panic attack at Mr. J's 2 weeks ago.) Just now on Gossip Girl Chuck was doing some and I flinched.

I won't do any because I know it's not smart but man could I really use a line right now.

I don't know why I am sharing this really, maybe because I thought it would help the craving. I don't know. I just needed to "say" it outloud.

I am going to have a glass of wine and cigarette to help my nerves. (No, I am not using them as a crutch. It is my bed time routine, strange I know.)

*Side Note
Tomorrow's post will be a bit more uplifting.

Ta ta
Ms. Pink Zebra


  1. Everyone needs to vent once in a while. I smoke (cigarettes) and know all about addiction.
    Congratulations for being clean for so long! That's an accomplishment, and keep telling yourself that!

  2. It's admirable that you've stayed of Cocaine for so long, you should be really proud of yourself.

  3. It is a huge accomplishment to even understand that you have a problem there and that addicition runs in your family. You even know your triggers as well.

    You should be proud of yourself. Keep it up.
