February 10, 2009

Calling all blogger friends!!


I need your help. :) This week's article is about blogging and the addiction behind it.

So I have a few questions and I hope you will help me with this. :)

1. Why do you blog?
2. Are you addicted?
3. How many blogs do you follow?
4. Are you an anonymous blogger?
Why or Why not?
5. Do your friends know you blog?
Anonymous or otherwise.
6. How long have you been blogging?
7. What is the best part of blogging?

The good thing about this, it will increase your readership. Unless you don't want your name used please just let me know. :)

Leave comments or shot me an email. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks kids!! :)

Ta ta
Ms. PZ


  1. 1.It’s a way for me to get things of my chest, it’s also a way for my BFF’s to know what’s going on in my life, and then they have to send me an e-mail on what’s going on in their lives.
    2.Nope, not yet anyway
    3.About eleven, didn’t know it was that many until I counted them.
    4.Yes, I am an anonymous blogger. There are only a few people that are allowed to know that much about me and actually know who I am. Wouldn’t want some people I know, to know that much about me. It’s okay if it’s strangers, in a crowd they’ll never know it’s me that did that crazy thing over the weekend.
    5.Yes, but only 3 of them have the web address, and their sworn to secrecy.
    6.I’ve been blogging since November.
    7.I can be the most extreme version of myself. A total drama queen and I can dream wildly inside the safety of my blog.

    Hope I helped

  2. 1. Why do you blog?

    I blog because I've always loved writing, doodling, passing notes, making lists, etc. It just makes sense to me, that I would enjoy blogging. It's most definitely a therapy, in a sense.

    2. Are you addicted?

    I would not say that I am addicted, because by definition, I'm really not. However, it is something that I honsetly enjoy doing, it's free, I meet a lot of really awesome people...why would I want to stop?

    3. How many blogs do you follow?

    122 and still growing.

    4. Are you an anonymous blogger?
    Why or Why not?

    I am not anonymous. I completely understand why people need to blog anonymously, I just don't have that need.

    5. Do your friends know you blog?
    Anonymous or otherwise.

    Yes, I like to direct old and new friends to my blog.

    6. How long have you been blogging?

    Technically? As long as I've known the internet and blogging has existed. But on Blogger? For about 10 months.

    7. What is the best part of blogging?

    For me it's meeting fellow bloggers. I love it.

  3. 1. Well I started off blogging because I was going out of the country for the first time in my life and I wanted my friends to be able to follow and look at my pictures. After I got back to the US, I started blogging to vent about all the craziness that goes on in my life from work to ex boyfriends to my one crazy affair with a married man, which still hasn't reached my blog yet, but will one day.

    2. Hell yeah! I love blogging, sometimes I wish I could write more, but I'll explain why I can't in another question.

    3. 20 something....I dunno, never really counted, but I'm getting ready to stop following a few.

    4. Nope, not anonymous, well...not really. I mean my picture is up, if someone really wanted to find my blog they could.

    5. Yes, unfortunately I have shared my blog with my friends. Sometimes, I'd like to put them on blast cause every now and again you realize which ones are true friends and which ones are people you can do without. Unfortunately, sometimes they stop by and take a read & I just don't feel like dealing with the drama of chicks!

    6. Since like June of 08

    7. Every now and again, I feel like I get to release all the crazy feelings that are inside. People who don't know me IRL probably think I'm insane, but those who do know me IRL KNOW I'm insane lol.

  4. 1. I blog bc I'm an attention whore, and this is another avenue for me to get even more attention.
    2. I think I might be slightly addicted. I'm more interested in following people's lives via blogs, than I am in TV now.
    3. Too many to count.
    4. Yes, bc when I blog about people in my life, I want to be honest about it (which can possibly be hurtful if they knew).
    5. Only some of them... but on a different forum, not Blogger.
    6. Just a few months.
    7. Being completely honest about my life, but with an emotional distance from the people I'm communicating with...


  5. 1. Why do you blog? I blog because Rose thought I was a good person to blog with. I also enjoy telling stories and having a good laugh. When I blog I can tell a story and hopefully make someone laugh. Making people laugh is a great way to make yourself happy as well!
    2. Are you addicted? Uhm. At times. I'll go on week spurts where I'm addicted. Other weeks I will only get on here like twice.
    3. How many blogs do you follow? Uhm...I'm not really sure. Religiously I only follow about 5 or 6, however I read probably 20+ on a somewhat regular basis.
    4. Are you an anonymous blogger? Sure am.
    Why or Why not? I am anonymous because it makes it more fun. Oh and some of my stories are about people who (even though I wouldn't care) would get their feelings hurt if they knew about me telling about it.
    5. Do your friends know you blog? A couple of my friends know.
    Anonymous or otherwise.
    6. How long have you been blogging? Since December of 2008
    7. What is the best part of blogging? It gives me something to do when my job is done at work. Oh and sometimes it's an ego boost when people comment a lot.


  6. 1. I first saw it thru one of my friends on myspace and I thought it would be fun, to meet different people and write about anything that I wanted.
    2. Maybe slightly...when I'm at work, yes, cause I have nothing better to do..but if I'm at home usually I stay away from it or just read one or two post. C'mon I have a real life to live :)
    3. I follow 70 as of now
    4. I have my pictures on my blog of myself and my bf. but I use different names (lil woman=me, big man=the b.f) I just don't think they need to know everything about me..but I do have a couple "real life" friends that follow.
    5. A couple but most aren't really into blogging.
    6. Since I think Oct. 2008
    7. It gives me something to do at work and I truly enjoy meeting all these new people. Alot of these girls I would want to be friends with in real life.

  7. 1. i blog because its easier than talking and i love writing and wanted to be a journalist but life hasn't worked that way so instead of giving up completely i blog.

    2.most definitely!

    3.as of right now 24 but each day i add another or several

    4.in a way am anon as i use my childhood nickname but at the same time its open for all to see.in a way i protect myself and those who don't know i blog and would not wanna see their lives on the internet

    5.yes. when i started i sent a link to all my closest friends whether or not they read its up to them

    6.April 2007-although i deleted some of the posts from them

    7.its a way for me to get things off my chest and hopefully inspire others and inspire myself. its a chance to be creative and do the one thing i love alot...WRITE

  8. 1.Why do I blog?
    I need an outlet for all the thoughts in my head. I am such a busy person that I don't really take the time out to do things for myself, and my blog is my way of giving myself that time. It is nice to have a place where I don't have deadlines and papers due.

    2. Are you addicted?
    Most definitely.

    3. How many blogs do you follow?
    Over 80, and growing. I need to clean it out and get rid of some.

    4. Are you anonymous?
    Yes AND no. I try to stay away from posting pictures of myself on teh blog, or pics of my family. IF I do post something, I take it down the next day, and most of my readers understand. Also, my name is on the blog and people know where I live. I try to save the more personal things for a private blog (such as thoughts about my marriage).

    5. Do your friends know you blog?

    6. How long have you been blogging?
    Since June of 2008 (on several blogs). At one point, I had 4 blogs.

    7. What is the best part of blogging?
    THe ability to gain knowledge and meet people from around the world.
